Why Giveaways Fail And How To Rock Your Next One

Giveaways are a great way to market your business.

It can spread the word about your business, get you new clients, and build rapport with your followers.

However, many giveaways are epic failures.

You offer an amazing prize, but then you only get a few people to enter and they never spread the word.

It can be especially deflating if you’ve offered up your services for free and hardly anyone bites. It made me wonder if my photography was so bad that people didn’t even want it for free.

But that’s not the case.

Giveaways fail is because the word about it never spread or because it was too hard to enter.

There’s a ridiculously easy and free tool that takes care of both of these problems, and I’m about to tell you about it.

Let me introduce your new best friend for giveaways: PunchTab

PunchTab is a free tool that allows you to do giveaways on your site that are easy to enter and greatly encourage people to share with their friends.

It also offers a free loyalty program to keep people visiting your site often, but I personally found this to be too distracting to the main goal of my site when I tested it, but I know a lot of people who use it and love it.

People can enter the givewaways by connecting via Facebook or their email address, so it is super easy to enter your contest.

They can earn extra entries to the contest by liking your Facebook page, leaving a comment, tweeting about your contest, and sharing a unique link that each person gets with their friends.

When people click on that link, they automatically get an extra entry and PunchTab tracks it all for you.

You can simply log into your PunchTab dashboard to see how many people enter, how they earned extra entries, and view statistics that allow you to see how much your post was shared and how many actions people took.

It’s ridiculously easy, both for people to do the steps above and for you to track all of it.

It even gives you a way to randomly select a winner once the contest is over.

Seamless. Effective. Simple. Free.

Hard to beat that.

So how do I do this?

Start by setting up a free account on PunchTab.

Head over to your dashboard and click “Create Giveaway”.

Enter the information for your contest. It takes about 2 minutes at most.

Once you’ve entered all the information, click “Submit” and you’ll be given a small snippet of code.

Copy and paste this into your blog post. In WordPress, you’ll do this in the HTML tab at the top right side of your editor (where you write your post).

That’s it. Super easy.

The limitations to PunchTab

While there’s a lot of really awesome parts to the giveaway tool that they provide, I wish you could customize it more.

You can’t change how it looks, so you’re stuck with how it looks. Thankfully it blends in here pretty well.

I’d like the option to be able to disable various types of entries if I wanted or change them when needed. It’d be great if I could have people like both my page and the giveaway sponsor’s Facebook pages if I wanted, but for a free tool it’s hard to complain.

I also wish there was a way to collect the email addresses people enter for the contest or to give people an extra entry for signing up for my email newsletter.

Despite these limitations, I still love it and will use it. I’d be willing to pay extra for these features, however. Maybe one day they’ll allow things like this.

Try it for yourself: Enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card

So I thought I’d do a small giveaway to let you try it out and see how easy it is to use for yourself. Plus who doesn’t love something free?

I’m giving away a $50 Amazon.com gift card to one lucky winner!

Here’s what you need to do:

Enter the contest using the form below.

Leave a comment below telling me what you’d buy at Amazon if you win the contest (with a link so other people can check it out as well!)

Share your link around and see how easy it is to get the word out about the contest.

Then try PunchTab for yourself next time you run a giveaway and see how much more effective it can be!

