Fresh content keeps your website interesting to potential clients but is also much loved by the Google spiders which helps you to rank better in internet searches.
For these reasons, blogging has become crucial to the online efforts of many photographers and creative spirits.
But like most things that we know are good for us, sometimes we don’t do it as much as we should.
Or more likely, you blog like crazy for a while but then editing, practicing and general blog burn out sets in and your weekly posts turn to monthly and pretty soon you sound like a major cooperation with their quarterly or semi-annual reports.
If you are in this predicament, don’t fret. You are not alone.
Peruse any number of blogs and you’ll see that many people have dips in their output. In fact, look at my photography site and you’ll see a painfully long gap between posts during this past summer.
I’m writing this not because I’m perfect at regular blog posts but because I know what it’s like to fall off the blogging wagon and what it takes to get back going again.
Here are 4 steps to getting yourself out of your blogging slump: [Click to read more]