Use ProPhoto discount code JAMSWA556 to get $10 off ProPhoto now. No expiration date.
Why ProPhoto is a great choice for your photography website:
- Super easy to customize without any coding knowledge.
- Looks professional even right out of the box. Includes 13 starter designs for free.
- It has the best customer service of any photoblog template I’ve ever seen.
- Lots of portfolio gallery options without having to add additional plugins.
- Detailed online user guide that walks you through every step of the setup process.
- It is designed to help you convert visitors into paying customers. Who doesn’t want more photography clients?
Once I moved from a free blog site to a self-hosted WordPress ProPhoto blog, I finally started booking clients who had found me on Google and didn’t have any connection to me otherwise. Before that, it was just friends, family and their friends. Moving to my own website with a premium WordPress template was a huge catalyst in getting Google to rank me higher in search engine results and in getting other clients outside the people I already was connected to. I believe this is because it finally looked like a professional business that they could trust to hire.
It’s a bit expensive at $199, but you can save $10 by using ProPhoto Discount Code JAMSWA556 now.
Read more about ProPhoto Blogs
Want to read more about it and compare it to other photography website options? Here’s a few resources for you.
How to set up a ProPhoto blog
Super easy and clear directions for setting up and using ProPhoto. It also shows you features,
The Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Pro Photography Website
This post talks about what kind of website you should start for your photography business and compares ProPhoto Blogs to Theme Forest websites and Photocrati photography websites. This is the most up-to-date information that I’ve published and is definitely a great place to start reading if you’re still not sure about ProPhoto.
What Professional Photography Blog Theme is Best?
This is a bit older article that compares ProPhoto Blogs to Headway and Tofurious. It’s a good read, but it’s a bit outdated now with the changes that have happened to Headway that were less than favorable (including adding recurring charges – yuck!)
ProPhoto Discount Code
Convinced that ProPhoto is for you? Learn More or Buy ProPhoto by clicking here now. The link will automatically apply the code JAMSWA556. Super easy.